Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Sunday Reflection

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 
2 Timothy 2:15

We are called to not only be Hearers and Doers of the Word (James 1:22), but also to be students of the Word. 

This means that we are to crack open our Bibles more than just on Sundays, Wednesday nights, and at an occasional group Bible meeting. This also means independent, daily study. Yes, I said Daily. In addition to any family devotions that may be scheduled. The more time we spend in God's Holy Word, the better we can "rightly divide the word of truth" and the closer to God's will we will be. God leads no one apart from His Word, and without it as a daily constant in our lives, we will grow lukewarm and stagnate towards the things of God. 

I am not saying that we all need to take hours a day to study out a whole book of the Bible, but I am saying that independent study is necessary, and it is up to us to figure out to what extent we can take it. Even if it is just reading a Psalm before bed, or in the morning when we wake up, or even while rocking or nursing a little one, it would all be beneficial. 

Honestly, though, I believe this is something we can all work on. Yes, even me. It should not be about trying to fit God into your life schedule, it should be about fitting in your life around your time with God, your time at Jesus' feet. We take over three hours to consume food for the physical body every day, so why can we not take five minutes to feed the spiritual body the Meat of the Word? Why is it so difficult, and why do so many excuses present themselves?

I'll tell you why, Satan. He doesn't want you in God's Word, because then any temptation that he may dangle over your head will be more easily exposed. When you get closer to God, you get farther from the flesh and from Satan, and the Devil doesn't like that. Not one bit.
Will you take this challenge with me? 

Will you take the first steps with me to getting deeper into God's Word as a student so that we may more rightly divide the word of truth? 

One chapter a day, five minutes in prayer and reflection on that chapter independently (apart from family devotions), do you think that would be possible?

It's high time God got His place back in our lives as first and foremost, don't you agree?

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