Friday, December 31, 2010

The New Year!

Well, dear friends, we are back in Georgia, safe and sound. This house is amazing, such a blessing to us. I will upload pictures when I have them. It is over 2000 square feet of beauty on 1.5 acres in the middle of a tranquil country setting. We have cows in a pasture behind us, a few neighbors on this family owned road, and we are about 10 minutes from Lake Lanier. That is one thing Danny is happy about. Jennifer Harper and her wonderful family have been such a blessing to us, and I could never say thank you enough to do it all justice.

The children are loving it. Being able to just go outside and run around without having to worry momma about a busy road, strangers, or anything else. They love seeing the cows and playing with Mrs. Sherry and Mr. Jimmy's dogs, as well as investigating the fauna and flora that is around us. We have learned how to distinguish deer tracks and dog tracks, as well as how a Mimosa tree spreads it's seed. There is a deer run right through our back yard! It's awesome! There is 25 acres that the family also owns that we saw someone hunting on the other day, so Danny is itching to ask if we can hunt on it as well and get some fresh venison for the table!

God is so good, all the time. From taking me out of the car that killed my mother in a wreck that day when I was a year old, to doing the impossible over and over again in my life, by His mercy and grace, often through the loving and faithful hands of others, God has proven His faithfulness time and time again, all for His glory alone.

We are ringing in this New Year with sick stomaches and runny noses, but also with praises to God on High for everything that He has done in our lives this past year, and for all the things that He will accomplish in us and in the lives of others in this year to come.

It's pretty neat to have been through everything that we have been through this past year, and still be able to look at each other and say that 2010 was one of our greatest and best years yet.

God has worked, and above and beyond anything that we could have ever hoped for.

I know there are a lot of people and friends out there tonight that are still going through some pretty rough spots, but let me offer a bit of encouragement. God is still in control! No matter how low you feel that you have sunk, God is still there, and you are never out of His grasp! Be of good cheer! The valley only lasts as far as the next mountain top, and God will never abandon us! Remember that it could always be worse, so be sure to count your blessings and praise Him every day. God is faithful all the time, and He want's to knock our socks off with His great and wondrous miracles, so allow yourself to be open to them! No matter the stress, the pain, the guilt, or the anger, God can reach and cover all. Lay your cares, worries, and strife at His feet and then leave them there. Learn from the past and from the pasts of others, then move on. Your future is only as bright as the next foot that you put forward, so make it a glad one! Life is what you make it, so make it count for the Lord! Nothing else will matter in eternity. Not the type of diapers you use, or how much TV you do or do not let your children watch, it's all trivial and under liberty. As long as you are submitting to the Lord and living to please Him, nothing else really matters in the grand scheme of things, so don't sweat the small stuff. Do the best that you can with the resources and capabilities that you have been given, and don't regret it! You will never live up to everyone else's standards, so just focus on God's and it'll be A-OK! Adapt the duck mentality. Take everyone else's advice for what it is, then let the water roll off your back without a second thought. Drink the milk and eat the meat, feed your soul with God's Word. Live like the Lord is coming today, and keep to the narrow way. YOUR reward is in Heaven, and let not your sights waver from that Truth. Nothing worth having will come easy. Work is good, and idle hands are trouble, but busy and work are two different things. You can be busy with idle things, so be careful of that deception. Last but not least, hold your dear ones close, and whisper your love for them daily, because we are never promised tomorrow, just this moment we have now.

This new year, find a new way to serve the Lord, to be His hands and feet, and do it gladly. Let your light so shine before men, and bring glory to God. Be fishers of men (and women), and remember the role that God has set you in, and honor it with cheerfulness. All those things that you don't think anyone sees, the things that seem so drab and pointless at times, God sees, and He will reward you in the end.. Do all things for the glory of God.

Happy New Year 2011 friends. Be good, be safe, and love the Lord with all of your mind and all of your heart and all of your soul. May God continue to bless, guide, and protect you all.


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