Thursday, January 31, 2013

Aromatherapy/EO Myths

*MYTH #1: Aromatherapists often promote safety guidelines that do not apply to certain brands of oils because those brands are of higher quality than all other brands.
TRUTH: Safety guidelines are applicable to all brands of high quality essential oils. If a company is selling adulterated/diluted/poor quality oils, those should never be used for any form of aromatherapy. However, safety guidelines stay the same for all pure essential oils, regardless of the name on the label.

*MYTH #2: As long as you use pure oils, you can put any of them undiluted (neat) on the skin. Some oils are "hot" and can cause red, inflamed skin, which is not a concern because it is a detox response.
TRUTH: The vast majority of essential oils should never be used neat on the skin, not because of quality concerns, but because oils are extremely potent substances. Some oils are known irritants and red, inflamed skin is a sign that those irritants are doing what they do - irritating the skin. Other oils are known sensitizers, so they can actually cause allergic reactions after long term use of undiluted oils. Therefore, properly diluted oils are optimal for topical aromatherapeutic use.

*MYTH #3: Essential oils are the lifeblood of the plant.
TRUTH: Essential oils are secondary metabolites, which means they are substances that are produced by the plant, but are not necessary (or "essential") for the plant's survival or primary functions.

*MYTH #4: Essential oils are natural and safe, so you don't have to worry about specific applications or dosing, side effects, contraindications, interactions, allergies, or any other restrictions when using oils.
TRUTH: Like any full strength botanical medication, essential oils are powerful substances and can cause reactions. Before using any natural supplement you should always study the specific remedy and make sure you know about the potential contraindications, interactions, and reactions, as well as how to respond so such a reaction. Learn how to use the supplement safely and what to do if you have a unique response.

*MYTH #5: "Therapeutic Grade" oils are the best oils you can use.
TRUTH: There is no such thing as a recognized therapeutic grade in aromatherapy. The various "certifications" that include that phrase are actually marketing slogans that are registered trademarks of various companies and do not hold any actual significance in regards to oil quality. The best way to ensure you have a high quality oil is to look at the GLC analysis, which any reputable company will provide, and to ask about organic certification. These two factors combined can provide much more factual information about an oil than a trademarked slogan.

#6: You should never use lavender or tea tree oil on little boys because it can alter their hormonal development.
TRUTH: There is no clinical evidence to support this rumor. Both of these oils are safe to use (according to recommended uses) with children of all ages.

#7: Essential oils are nutrients to the body that contain vitamins and hormones and can cure certain nutrient deficiencies.
TRUTH: Essential oils are volatile substances; vitamins are not. Essential oils do not contain any vitamins or human hormones. They cannot cure nutrient deficiencies because the only way to cure a deficiency is with the depleted nutrient.

*MYTH #8: The best essential oils come from the "first pressing" or "first distillation." 
TRUTH: Essential oils are typically steam distilled, though citrus oils are cold pressed. The distillation process is not repeated with used plant matter and it wouldn't make sense to turn off the still before the plants have been distilled. Essential oils are produced in one complete distillation, and are not separated with the exception of ylang ylang.


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