Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thou shalt not pratice... birth control?

Conception is not a chance or a risk - babies are an intentional creation, every single one of them.  Acknowledging this is a huge step towards surrender.  It's not such a scary idea when we're not risking something.  And once we surrender Lordship to Christ, and open up our grip on our own plans for life so that we may receive what He has for us, then there is no perceived "loss".  Only gain.  And we gain freedom from feeling torn between desiring babies but fearing it would be irresponsible to have more due to life circumstances; freedom from guilty feelings that come with knowing we're out of obedience with our Lord; freedom from financial fears, because our priorities and values become new and God's provision is perfect.

Read the rest of this amazing post over at Large Families On Purpose

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