Sunday, August 21, 2011

Be Still

We lead busy lives. We all do. From the working mom, to the work at home mom, to the moms of many young children, the homeschooling mom, and to the "average" mom at home with her kids. There is always something to do, something that needs to be done. A spill that needs to be cleaned up, a fight or argument that needs to be referred, unkind and spiteful behavior that needs to be tended to, laundry that keeps piling up along with dishes and the toys that are scattered around the house. The woodwork needs a good polish, the windows need to be washed (else the outdoors looks like it is enveloped in a continual fog...), the floors need to be swept and vacuumed. Then, by the time that things start to get done, you discover that, not unexpectedly, little ones have made it a point to go along behind you and undo everything that you have made point to do! It is so much more fun to make a mess in a clean room, after all. Some days it just seems like a vicious, never-ending cycle.

We scrub, we clean, we cook, we clean, we wipe, we change, we lecture, we cuddle. We kiss the boo-boos and lovingly apply the all-powerful instant healing band-aid. We teach, we grade papers to some degree. We struggle alongside the "difficult" child who has trouble grasping certain concepts, all the while keeping the "know-it-all" toned down so that they do not discourage the other siblings who are struggling. We seek to instill biblical discipline and worth in our children while still keeping things light and fun.

We carry our blessed babies in utero for nine+ months, enduring every uncomfortable moment with the silent (or not so silent!) peace knowing that it will be so worth it in the end, to welcome an eternal soul into our home with joy, knowing that God is in perfect control. 

We labor over dinner with love and creativity. We do our best to be that soft place to land when our husband's come home from a long, difficult day at work. We encourage our husbands to lead in family devotions, even when he would like nothing better than to fall into bed (don't we know the feeling!), but he perseveres seeking first and foremost the will of God. We make sure that bellies are full and faces are happy, then we send them along to bed with hugs and prayers.

Then those few and far between moments of peace are filled with spouse-time, shower (when we're lucky!), chatting on the phone, and social networking before we finally fall into bed.

Yes, we do lead busy lives.

Yet, somehow I feel as if we are forgetting one simple thing. A key to peace in our hearts, lives, and homes.

We are forgetting, time and time again, to just be still. 

God says to be still and know that He is God.

I mean, sure, we can KNOW that He is God while we're running around each day, but to really stop and be still, that takes time, effort, and a reflection of a heart of worship.

God says in that still, small voice: be still.

Just stop. Put down the pot and sponge, stop the folding for one minute, turn the burner on simmer, turn off the computer, and just be still. 

Stop, a few minutes won't kill your schedule. Stop, empty yourself of your worries and cares at My feet, and just be still and KNOW that I am God. I will be exalted in the nations, and I desire to be exalted in your life as well. Just be still, and reflect on My promise, My presence, My provision, and My faithfulness. 


In all of the hustle and bustle of the busy days, how often to we forget to just be still, and reflect on the Lord in His glory, goodness, and grace?

Too often, I am afraid.

Let us strive together, to learn to simply be still in His presence, and know that He is our God. All else can wait.

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