A blog post that I found inspirational, and a timely reminder of who I am in Christ, and who He created me to be. I encourage you to read it, and to follow her blog at http://time-warp-wife.blogspot.com/
And a {Titus 2}sday Link up!!

What I'm about to say is politically incorrect. But as you might have noticed, that hasn't stopped me before. Somehow I've been accused of singlehandedly turning back the clock on women's rights.
Today I want to address the question on everyone's lips, "Why should husbands get the final say?"
I'll start by saying this... Letting him have the final say doesn't mean that you can't have a discussion and share your ideas. A good marriage should have channels of communication by which husbands and wives both offer ideas and determine solutions. There should be mutual respect where both parties give and take of each others thoughts. And there needs to be an attitude of acceptance where both a man and his wife can offer their voice.
But at the end of the day, he gets the executive vote.

But I would have you know,
that the head of every man is Christ;
and the head of the woman is the man;
and the head of Christ is God.

On October 13, 2005, Stephanie Rosenbloom of The New York Times posted and article titled "Big Girls Don't Cry." The article reads:
By the time women reach 18, they are crying four times as much as men, said Dr. Frey, who has conducted research on behavioral, personality and genetic aspects of crying and who has also studied the chemistry of tears.Have you ever seen a man burst into tears in a boardroom? Neither have I, but I've seen a woman do it, and to be honest--I wasn't surprised.
Scientists do not know exactly why women tend to cry more easily, but Dr. Frey said several factors may be at work. One is the hormone prolactin, he said, which is present in mammary glands and induces lactation but is also found in the blood and in tear glands. Boys and girls have about equal levels of prolactin levels in their blood during childhood. But from ages of 12 to 18, the levels in girls gradually rise, and that may have something to do with why women cry more than men.
So why should any of this relate to a husband having the last word? Because men, for the most part, are emotionally equipped to handle the consequences that come along with decisions.
Women have the ability to keep their emotions in check, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that we fall apart as soon as the going gets tough. But what I am saying is that at the end of the day, women are likely to suffer emotional turmoil while men stop to consider logistics.
Yes, that's politically incorrect, and to some it may be viewed as turning back the clock on women's rights. I get that. But really, what are the rights of a woman? Better said, what are the rights of mankind? Certainly we're given our constitutional rights, but who gives us those rights?
The way I look at scripture, we're given one right and only one--the ability to choose. Anything and everything else we are given is grace. If that's turning back the clock on women's rights, then I say turn it back and keep turning it back until men and women accept scripture as truth that is both applicable and beneficial to families today.

And if it seem evil unto you to
serve the LORD, choose you this
day whom ye will serve...
but as for me and my house,
we will serve the LORD.

You are loved by an almighty God,
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