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It felt nice to accomplish something today, even if I had to wrestle with a one year old the entire time to keep her off my foot pedal! Lol! <3
The kids are starting to get over their seasonal colds. All that is left is some coughing and runny noses. Danny is going to his second night of work tonight. Apparently he is doing well and Rick, one of his managers, likes him. That's always good! I'm not surprised, he's a dedicated hard worker and a "people person" to boot, everyone loves him. :-)
I'm trying to keep myself from worrying about the baby. It's always heartbreaking to hear of other losses, especially after having experienced one yourself, but it also makes it difficult to not worry about this one in the oven now. I know it's all in God's hands, and He is capable beyond my comprehension, so I keep reminding myself of that and looking forward to 12-15 weeks when I will have my ultrasound. We are still working on the homebirth thing. We really really want to do it, and it's the best choice for us (most cost effective, we don't have to worry about finding childcare for our five young ones so I can spend 24+ hours in the hospital, less pressures to get unwanted procedures done at birth, etc). Even though people say we shouldn't consider money a factor, truthfully, for those of us on a modest to meager budget, money is the utmost important factor MOST times. There's no way around that, really. I mean, we don't do credit (when we can help it), and we don't do government help (because I honestly don't believe that YOU [American taxpayers] should have to foot the $10,000+ bill for me to have a baby, I don't agree with the way Medicaid works, how they have driven up healthcare costs because they don't pay their bill a lot of the time, and how over 2.5 million dollars a year !per state! goes to illegal immigrants for healthcare and the birth of "anchor babies", but that's a whole different blog. If people have it or need it, that's their business and I have no problem with it, as long as you are legal. These are simply OUR convictions on the subject.) Money IS a deciding factor for us, although it's not the only deciding factor. Anywho, just waiting on 12 weeks, and the budget to pan out. :-)
MoMo did reappear, this you already know if you read the update, but he was really weak and sick. He held on for a day and a half drinking beef broth and turkey gravy from a spoon, but he took his last breath this morning. We took the opportunity to not conceal the event from our children, but rather use the experience to teach them the life lesson of death and the "circle of life" that started when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. We taught of how all things that are alive are born, they live, and then one day they die. All things will have a physical death except for those who are still alive when Jesus comes back. We taught them that animals are not like people, that they do not have souls, so they do not go to Heaven when they die like born-again believers do (at least, we have no biblical proof or even hinting of that idea), but they are good companions while they are here with us. Daddy took Amy and Josh (at their request) with him and they buried him today. Sweet kitty. He was too good to be true, I guess. We think it was a reaction to the shots, especially since the shots were rated for nine weeks and older (MoMo was about six weeks) because he was perfectly fine up until about twelve hours after we picked him up and got the shots. Either way, perhaps another pet is in our future, perhaps not. We'll see when the time comes and the opportunity presents itself.
I SO WANT a dairy cow! And some steel toe muck boots. That too, one day, God willing.
So, check out (and follow if you want) my new blog for Rose Cottage Creations. I will be posting the things that I am selling on there as I get it finished, and even posts asking for ideas from consumers or opinions on an idea. Stuff like that. :-)
Hope everyone has an excellent Lord's Day tomorrow! God bless!
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