Sunday, June 26, 2011

Grace and Mercy Undeserved

Lord, Lord, I'm trusting You
In everything I do,
With every step I take,
As every choice I make.

Your promises echo loud and clear
Assuring that you hold me dear,
Timeless as generations pass
That one day I'll be home at last.

You can see the days yet come,
You can hear the song yet sung.
In Your hand I'll always be;
Your faithfulness soon to see.

I have your Word I'll never beg
As I pray for daily bread.
When the future is unclear
I know in You I shall not fear.

This world it seeks to stifle me,
For what I have they can never be.
But from my lips praise still sings
With hope they too can know You're King.

Guide my hand, still my heart.
To my children, Your Word impart.
Fill me, stay me, as You have made me,
And as You would bless it, let all my days be.

Your glory, Your grace;
From all lips: praise.

All is perfect through Your blood
For in myself, I am no good.
Grace and mercy undeserved
Brought me peace I had never heard.

In You alone I put my trust,
For You alone are good and just.
Gracious to redeem my sins;
In your presence, every knee bends.

That love that made a way for me
Cost You everything on Calvary.
Then on that third day You rose again
Declaring victory over death and sin.

Into your hands I place my soul,
For You alone have made me whole.
Help me, Lord, as I pilgrim through,
Til that day I may come home to You.

"What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the Blood of Jesus."


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