"Jesus Christ teaches that inward peace must never be
sacrificed to outward ease. A lie might often help us to momentary rest, a
great black falsehood might be the softest pillow sometimes on which for the
time being to rest and aching head. Of what account it is if there be great
outward peace, while the heart is at war with itself, while there is a scorpion
in the inner nature, stinging the conscience and inflicting mortal pain? Your
plaudits cannot reach me with any measure of satisfaction if there be not an
inward voice which attests that they are righteously bestowed – they fall upon
me as foam flecks the rock it cannot penetrate. You might gather around your
friend, pour upon him the billows of your approbation and applause, yet if his
heart said to him, “You have no right to this,” all those billows would chase
one another to their destruction, and never enter the soul they were intended
to bless.
On the contrary, you have also a profound truth – if there is really
peace in your heart any outside storm can have no effect upon you. Jesus Christ
adds by suggestion that no motive is to be relied upon that is not drawn from a
divine center. Herein we fail so much – our motive has not enough reach. A man
may be strong, but the stone which he may be attempting to remove out of his
way be a real stumbling-block and ought to be removed, but if he have not
leverage enough his strength is wasted in vain endeavor. What we want in life
is more leverage, and that needful leverage can be realized only when there is
a heavenly purchase. Every motive that is not profoundly religious expires ere
it accomplishes any work that is worth doing. No heroism can sustain itself up
to the point of conquest that is not inspired by an adequate motive. What is
the adequate motive of human life? God’s sovereignty, God’s love, human
stewardship, a profound and gracious sense of responsibility, and an
appreciation of those opportunities for fulfilling that responsibility which constitutes
the very glory and dignity of our human life. It may be that you are operating
with too small a motive, your weapons are unequal to the war – there are no
weapons equal to this contest that are not provided by the Almighty Captain of
the fight"
~ Joseph Parker, Christ's Finished Work: Studies in Matthew Chapters 16-28
Hi there. Can you please tell me the name of the song that is two songs after "It is Well With My Soul." (So the order...It is Well With My Soul, Another song, and then the next song after that is the one I really love. It really ministers to my spirit. #soravenous@gmail.com#. (remove the # from the front and the back when sending the email. Just want to avoid spam)