Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Love is No Fairytale

Ladies, especially single Christian ladies, may I have a moment of your time? 

It is time to break free of the myths and expectations of love and marriage. 

Poor guys these days, good men doing their best to please the Lord and find the helpmeet that God has planned for them just can't catch a break.

It's high time to put down the fairytale notions, and back away forever. 

There are no knights in shining armor. 

There are no elaborate white horses.

There are no valiant princes.

There are no perfect men.

There are none that have it all figured out.

There are no men who have all their ducks in a row.

There are no men who are the picture of godliness and humility.

Honestly, if men were all of this without us, there would be no need for a helpmeet.

What do you think God created us for?

"In Strong's, help meet is defined with both words meaning the same. Help and meet mean aid. Pretty simple I would say but let's take it a bit further. To aid someone is to assist or give support according to the Webster's dictionary. If you support someone then you promote the interests or cause of; assist, help, maintain, or keep it going. It also means to keep from fainting, yielding, or loosing courage (in other words, to encourage), to comfort.
Maintain is really interesting as it suggests preserving from failure or decline; to support or provide for, sustain. To sustain is to give support or relief to; to supply with sustenance; nourish. When we think of sustenance, what comes to mind first of all is food but it is defined also as being something that gives support, endurance, or strength and supplying the necessities of life." Source

So, please, do yourself and all the good, God-fearing men out there a favor, and take off the rose-tinted glasses.

It's not at all bad to have standards, there are many standards that should very well be maintained...

However, stop searching for a perfect match.

There are none. 

There are no perfect men,

but there is a perfect God, who leads and teaches each one of us according to His plan for us.

Stop searching for perfection, for men who have it all worked out, and start seeking the one who truly does desire to follow the Lord, no matter the mistakes that he may make along the way.

Stop looking for a Prince Charming, and start looking for the one whom you will complete, aid, maintain, and sustain, by the grace of the Lord.

Stop running away at the first sign of weakness, and start encouraging godly direction and growth, then demonstrate it!

Sometimes all it takes for a man to step up and be a man is for a devoted woman to hold his hand, believing in his potential in Christ, and being confident that he can become what the Lord wants him to be.

A mother's love can only go so far.

It takes a wife to make a man.

It takes humility to make a wife.

It takes seeing yourself in others, and seeing others with the same grace that God sees you through, to make humility.

So, no, there are no knights in shining armor.

However, there is the potential to be in each and every God-centered man.

All he needs is a princess, a daughter of the King, to cheer him on to victory.

So please, I plead with you, stop making it so hard for these good, godly men to impress you.

In all things, seek first the will of God, and the blessing of parents, but remember humility.

Remember grace.

Remember what you came out of when you were yet in sin.

Remember how you stumble in your walk weekly.... daily.... hourly.

Remember how you need someone to be strong for you.... that is not a trait that belongs solely to women.

Remember how you desire a best friend and a cheerleader.... men need one desperately too!

Remember how grateful you are that the people who truly care about you are gracious enough to look beyond your faults and falters as they encourage you and help you grow... then extend that grace to them.

A solitary half of a whole will never be complete until it has had a chance to grow with the other half that makes it whole. Say... fifty years or so. ;-)

No garden on this post-Eden earth came to fruition on it's own and suddenly. It takes time, patience, care, and a loving hand.

Be kind, be good, be understanding.

Don't miss out on the blessing of God because you are so busy weeding out what you don't see fit in someone, when God has already prepared you to complete that lone half to cultivate and prune each other over a lifetime of service to the Lord together.

There are so many well-intentioned young women who think that they know what they need in a husband, yet they hardly give any thought or understanding to what it really takes to be a helpmeet... 

What it really takes to complete a man, to meet his needs, to make up for his shortcomings, and to cover his flaws as Abigail did in 1 Samuel 25.

We need to change that.

Focus on being a helpmeet.

God will provide the rest.

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