How is being a God-called preacher any better or any more spiritual than being a God-called farmer? If God has called you, and you follow, that is of the utmost importance, and the titles are but that exactly, titles. No one is better than another if both are in God's will. If God has given you a mission field of a home rather than a mission field of South Africa, then be content knowing that you are in God's will just as much as one who is called by God to a different mission field. Do not strive to do more than God has given you, for it will bring only grief and heartache, and your real mission field will suffer. If God has called you to Cambodia, then go, and rest knowing that you are in God's will as well, but resist the temptation of pride and the down-looking upon others that it brings. If God has called you to preach, men, then do so, but remember from whence you came, and think not less of a man who chooses the plow rather than the podium, through prayer and study led decision making in God's holy name. God does not see titles, God sees hearts, so should we seek to see beyond the tangible and temporal. Tread with caution, for the road is narrow, and the mind is prone to wandering. In everything, take all thoughts captive and lay it all at the feet of Jesus, the precious Lamb of God and the Righteous Lion of Judah. "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it [are] the issues of life." Proverbs 4:23
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