Saturday, May 28, 2011

The True Meaning of Memorial Day

While some may not agree with the necessity of a military, and while we all know that true liberty comes only from God, without these men we would not be able to enjoy God's liberty the way we can here in America. Without their sacrifice, we would not be able to hold strong against evil forces that threaten us daily. These men sacrifice their time, family, and sometimes their lives to defend our God given right to freedom so that people like you and I CAN choose to differ on opinion, and CAN choose to go to church and worship our God without fear of being killed, tortured, stoned, or burned. We CAN choose to have as many children as God would choose to bless us with without being forced into a hospital, held down, and sedated while a living child is ripped from our wombs in the name of "population control". We CAN petition our local and federal governments to decide one way or another on certain things, and we CAN make our voices heard without oppression and death like is seen in other countries. Say a prayer daily for our military and thank God for all that He provides for them, including the wisdom and strength to make the right decisions in order to continue to uphold that freedom that we so cherish and value. God bless our troops, and may God bless America once again. ♥

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