I mean, sure, it's not just about a history lesson on the Revolutionary War. It's about more than that. It's about freedom. We all know that freedom is instituted by God in Christ, and we know that our military doesn't give or grant us freedom, but without them, our freedom would be essentially non-existent, as it was so long ago as British troops invaded homes and businesses, levying taxes which they had no fair right to levy, robbing the early Americans of their freedoms. Our founding fathers knew this, even that long ago, before we got caught up in politics and the everything-goes clause of government. They knew that without God, nothing would be possible, but they also knew and recognized that God instituted government and military action in order to protect His people and defend the freedoms that He has given them. Freedom isn't free, not even our freedom in Christ. Someone else always has to pay for it.
"What about our freedom, and this piece of ground? We didn't get to keep them by backing down."
Show me ONE person who hates our military, who brags the opinion that we should not fight, we should not bear arms. Show me one.You will find many unfortunately. Now show me one who would rather live in a law-less, military-less place such as Iran or Iraq instead. Show me one who would rather live under terrorist regimes like you would find in the middle east, or a communist dictatorship like you would find in North Korea, where their freedom to disagree with government would quickly be stripped under penalty of death. You will find none.
Funny how that works out.
Now, it is true that we have wandered quite a ways from our foundation here in America. We have a split government (as President George Washington warned us against) and we have split agendas. Military and government as God instituted it was to honor God, and, well, not so much anymore. But you know what? No one is perfect in the flesh. God is still God, though, and the Bible still says that God sets up the rulers and kings (Psalm 75:7, Daniel 2:21) and it also still says that God will give rebellious men (and nations, as He did when He appointed Saul as king in 1 Samuel, because he was the type of king that the people wanted, even though God made it clearly known that he was not the type of king they needed,) over to their shameful lusts (Romans 1:17-32).
Does this mean that we as Christians should stop striving to do what is good? No! Does this mean that we, as Christians, should stop voting? No! Does this mean that the foundation that we are built upon is illegitimate? Absolutely not!
But it does mean that we reap what we sow. Thankfully, in Christ there is always room to turn around and do things the right way. There is always a chance, there is always hope.
This great country was founded on the Word of God and His righteousness, and the roots won't be shaken so easily if we stand up and defend them. If you let them strip us of our rights, they will, but if we stand to defend them, as our founding fathers stood against the British, first in peace, always by the grace of God, they will be stayed. Vote, boycott, be an activist (a peaceful one, mind you), exercise your free speech rights. SUPPORT our military, whom the government has lately been seeking to de-fund even more. THANK each service member that you have an opportunity to cross paths with. Jesus paid the price for our spiritual freedom on Calvary, these men pay the price daily for our physical freedoms. The LEAST we should offer are our prayers and thanks.
Remember on this Independence Day that it is about the Revolutionary War and how we, as Americans, overcame the tyranny of Britain to form a God-fearing nation in the midst of a wilderness. They showed that they would rather have their God and their freedom while facing impossible odds and almost certain death rather than live another moment under a God-less rule. Remember the blood that gives us freedom. The blood of Christ as our spiritual freedom, and the blood of our soldiers who make freedom in this world possible.
Also remember that Independence Day is not only about the Revolutionary War, but it is about everything that has ensured us of our independence and freedom over the past 200+ years. Remember the blood of the civilians, the innocent people, of September 11th. LOOK at the pictures, READ the testimonials and articles, and THEN have the guts to stand up and say that we don't need a military. THEN stand up and say that we should not have killed Bin Laden. Think of the innocent American CHILDREN who had to pay the price of terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers and those on the planes. THEN go picket a funeral of a service member who died so that YOU could HAVE that right to picket and voice your opinion, however wrong it is! They died to GIVE YOU A VOICE, and you hate them for it??
I know as well as the next American that this country has come a long way since the Revolutionary War. In some ways good, but in others bad. Nevertheless, the government cannot dictate what we hold dear, what we choose to remember and celebrate. Too many have died to ensure that right. YOU, America, choose what this Independence Day means for you. It's not all fireworks and BBQ, it's a road paved with blood of both civilians and service members, the sweat of our military and our blue-collar working men, and the tears of the widows and mothers who's husbands and sons gave all for this country. I want you to remember that this Independence Day, when you eat your BBQ and watch your fireworks, remember that blood.
But also remember that that blood is the same blood that runs through your veins, and mine. The blood of good, honest, God-fearing patriotism. The blood of someone who understands our foundational freedoms, given by Christ, protected by men, and knows that freedom is something worth dying for. Being able to choose to worship the one, true God without fear of being put to death is something worth dying for.
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
And remember the words of another great patriotic hymn:
- "Our fathers' God to Thee,
- Author of liberty,
- To Thee we sing.
- Long may our land be bright,
- With freedom's holy light,
- Protect us by Thy might,
- Great God our King."
- Photo Credit
- Blessings upon you and yours, and upon our service men and their families for the sacrifice that they give to ensure our freedom each and every day.